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SAKURA Exhibition


2020年3月27日(金)より『中目黒アート花見会Vol.5 Sakura 展』に出展します。

「花見をしながら、アートを楽しむ」をコンセプトにした5回目となるSakura展です。 メイン会場のMDP GALLERY以外にも、中目黒の飲食店でも展示が行われます。

新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大懸念の影響で多くのイベントが中止になっている時ではございますが、多くのアーティストが参加しますが、展示のお知らせ「だけ」させていただきます。ご自身とご家族、大事なパートナーや友人を第一に考えてくださいませ。 この世界が明けた時に、また皆さんと笑顔でお会い出来ますように。

■開催概要 期 間:2020年3月27日(金)~ 4月12日(日) 会 場:MDP GALLERY(東京都目黒区青葉台1-14-18 1F) 時 間:11:00~19:00 ※最終日は18:00まで/会期中無休 電 話:03-3462-0682 U R L :





This is the 5th Sakura exhibition with the concept of "enjoy art while viewing cherry blossoms".

In addition to MDP GALLERY, which is the main venue, exhibitions will also be held at restaurants in Nakameguro.

Although many events have been canceled due to concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus infection, many artists will attend, so we would be happy if you could see them.

■Outline of the Event

Term: Friday, March 27, 2020 - Sunday, April 12

Place: MDP GALLERY (Aobadai 1 -14 -18 1F, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)

Time: 11: 00 ~ 19: 00 ※ The last day is until 18: 00/open throughout the session

TEL: 03-3462-0682

At this time, I was at a loss as to what to do with the notice of the exhibition, but I am exhibiting at the Sakura exhibition. So let me just let you know. Please think of yourself, your family, your important partner and friends first. I hope to see you all again with smiles when this clear.

We are not asked to do our work by anyone, we just create our own. As I am free to continue and stop, I am good at dealing with loneliness and the way to connect with society is unique, so even if the world becomes like this, I will not panic as usual.

All the exhibitions until summer were cancelled, but I would like to make what I wanted to do in the studio at this time. While the world is resting.

SAFE yourself, your family, and your friends. Thank you!!


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